For the better part of seven years I've been an instructor in Colorado. Getting the job was the easy part, two quick phone interviews and once they saw I could ski I had the job. The hardest part is being a GOOD instructor. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and money. The best advice I have for you, assuming you want this as a career, is to get certified and do it quickly. Cert I and II is a must your first year if you want a career. Get your Child Specialist I if possible and of course your Freestyle certs.
I'm Cert III, Freestyle III, and a registered trainer with the PSIA. It's a killer life/job. Work hard, play safe, and you'll love it. The money is in private lessons and children. I've been flown to France, Italy, and Chile on the guests dime just for being a good instructor who rich people like. If you put a lot into it, you'll get a lot of out it.
Find the wealthy people and make friends, I've been tipped more for a week of privates than most instructors make in a season. is your friend.