you know, with the election right around the corner, you might be asking yourself, what do i do if my ticket looses? well, here is a precious little tidbit, thanks to our freinds at the DNC. they inform us that we should get our lawyers on speed dial, because that pesky RNC has a great history of voter intimidation. (did you know that they placed cops outside of polling places to discourage the minority vote?) so, if you encounter any of these problems, should kerry and edwardo loose, be sure to follow the instructions in the following handbook exactly. that way the election can be decided in the courtroom! where it belongs. after all, the 2000 election was so much fun, we would love nothing more than to do it all over agian!
so read up kids, the future of the nation depends on you! (or your lawyer)
Mercy's eyes are blue
When she places them in front of you
Nothing holds a roman candle to
The solemn warmth you feel inside