There are only three reasons why anyone would enjoy this link. First and most obviously, Obama supporters are certainly having a chuckle as it confirms their belief that Romey's tax plan is extremely ambiguous and therefore mathematically impossible. Second, those who do not support either candidate are getting their usual laugh at partisan politics and brewin' shitstorms.
The last chuckling group however is a bit less intuitive, OP take notes because you fall into this one. The only conceivable reason for a Romney supporter to laugh at this link is if they in fact know and understand the real provisions of Romney's tax plan. If this is the case, please enlighten all of us because the man himself hasn't. Since I have a feeling this is not the case, I must ask, why are you supporting Romney? If it is not for fiscal reasons, as you clearly don't care about his economic agenda which is rooted in his non-existent tax plan, is it for social issues?
I'd apologize for turning your pretty little thread into a political shitstorm, but your less-than-enjoyable demeanor in previous threads has my jimmies rustled, so I'm gonna rustle yours.