word^ bro... if bush was so great and valiant as you say why didnt he go and stop the terrorists in august of 2001?. If you are voting for bush are you gonna vote for somebody who cant keep tight security on 380 tons of explosives that could set of a nuclear bomb? Dont believee me check this out http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/10/25/iraq.explosives/index.html
for those of you too lazy read it here
(CNN) -- Some 380 tons of explosives powerful enough to detonate nuclear warheads are missing from a former Iraqi military facility that was supposed to be under American control, the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog says.
Melissa Fleming, spokeswoman for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), told CNN the interim Iraqi government reported several days ago that the explosives were missing from the Al Qaqaa complex, south of Baghdad.
The explosives -- considered powerful enough to demolish buildings or detonate nuclear warheads -- were under IAEA control until the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003. IAEA workers left the country before the fighting began.
'Our immediate concern is that if the explosives did fall into the wrong hands they could be used to commit terrorist acts and some of the bombings that we've seen,' Fleming said.
She described Al Qaqaa as 'massive' and said it is one of the most well-known storage sites. Besides the 380 tons, there were large caches of artillery there.
Fleming said the IAEA does not know whether some of the explosives may have been used in past attacks.
The multinational force in Iraq and the Bush administration's Iraq Survey Group have been ordered to 'look into' the disappearance of the explosives, a senior Pentagon official said.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan said President Bush wants to determine what went wrong.
McClellan, on Air Force One, stressed that the missing explosives were not nuclear materials, and said the storage site was the responsibility of the interim Iraqi government, not the United States, as of June 28, when the United States turned over the nation's administration to the Iraqis.
McClellan said the Iraqi government reported the missing weaponry to the IAEA on October 10, and the IAEA informed the U.S. mission in Vienna on October 15. National security adviser Condoleezza Rice was told a few days later, then informed the president.
According to the Pentagon official, coalition forces, who went to the area around Al Qaqaa in the months after the war ended, searched 32 bunkers and 87 other buildings. They found no weapons of mass destruction, but indications of looting.
The discovery was not made public sooner because standard intelligence practice is not to let enemies know such information, said a senior administration official.
There are hundreds of tons of other weapons and munitions missing around the country, and it is impossible for the United States to track down all of them, the official said.
Even so, he conceded, the story is not a good one for the White House, just over a week from Election Day.
Threat from terrorists
A European diplomat told The New York Times that Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the IAEA, is 'extremely concerned' about the potentially 'devastating consequences' of the vanished stockpile.
'The immediate danger' of the lost stockpiles is its potential use by insurgents to make small, but powerful, bombs, an expert told the Times. The expert said the explosives could be transported easily across the Middle East.
According to the Times, the stockpiles missing from Al Qaqaa are the strongest and fastest in common use by militaries around the globe.
The Iraqi letter to IAEA identified the vanished explosives as containing 194.7 metric tons of HMX, or 'high melting point explosive,' 141.2 metric tons of RDX, or 'rapid detonation explosive,' among other designations, and 5.8 metric tons of PETN, or 'pentaerythritol tetranitrate.'
Fleming said the IAEA, whose mission is to keep track of everything with potential nuclear weapons applications, had been monitoring about 100 sites in Iraq, but there were only a few of special concern, including Al Qaqaa.
'The concern is that other sites that have items that are potentially dangerous have gone missing,' Fleming added.
The senior administration official downplayed the importance of the missing explosives, describing them as dangerous material but 'stuff you can buy anywhere.' The official added that the administration did not see this necessarily as a 'proliferation risk.'
'In the grand scheme -- and on a grand scale -- there are hundreds of tons of weapons, munitions, artillery, explosives that are unaccounted for in Iraq,' the official said. 'And like the Pentagon has said, there is really no way the U.S. military could safeguard all of these weapons depots or find all of these missing materials.'
The official said the Iraq Survey Group, the administration's weapons investigators, concluded that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction, and documented the scope of the problem.
and like clinton said today at a rally for kerry only a good president will change his/her mind when new information is learned.. read up on bush and his policies going to war only benifits his family and his friends and his intrests.. hes not helping any of us at all
no snow..
no girls..
no future..
Snowfall dictates the days activities if its snowing do it another day...