LOTS OF GOOD DEALS! dropped prices and added gear from last sale!
- will ship only in US
- will only accept payments w/ pay pal
- everything you see is BRAND NEW or 9/10 condition
- +k for bumps
- PM me with questions or offers
- my last sale i had lots of happy customers so get the deals while u can
- no low ballers please these are all legit deals so please dont waste my time or yours
SWIX leather mittens(never worn) this mittens are made very well and are very warm. sell for 100 in store
$40 shipped or b/o
LINE bandana(brand new) fleec lining
$13 shipped
2013 LINE poles(brand new) size-40' powder baskets and regular baskets come w/ poles
$35 shipped
SCOTT witness goggles (never worn) gold mirror lense
$35 shipped
NEFF fleece lined bandana (brand new)
$12 shipped
big DRAGON banner 5ft x 2 1/2 ft
$25 shipped
small DRAGON sign 12in x 12in
$10 shipped
large MOMENT decal 18in x 13in \
$10 shipped
plastic SCOTT sign
$20 shipped
TALL TREEZ crew hoodie 2xl tall 36' in length 9/10 condition *like new
$35 shipped or b/o
FULL TILT scarf, team issued and very rare (brand new)
$30 shipped or b/0
IDEPENDENT skate banner
$15 shipped
please please buy up and help my CO fund. moving in a month!! thanks NS's