I'll go with this team since I have up to gen 3 in mine.
You have no pokemon to counter my umbreon. Who can demolish lots of your team.
Mean Look
Baton Pass
Ya get out of that...
Swampert or Starmie could shutdown Blaziken and Metagross with ease.
Wailren shuts down my Salamence but I can demolish a wailren with slaking no problem and hes got plenty of health.
My Blissey would also demolish wailren due to her 750hp and 400 spdef.
Fygon is also shut down by swampert or starmie easily.
Dusclops is your only one i don't have a direct counter too but my umbreon could out tank him easy and you would be eaten away slowly toxic.
I mean that is srsly a horrible team in all aspects.