Replying to Sleep Screaming.
For as long as i can remember, I have been told that I scream in my sleep. From what I hear its usually negative (no...No...NO NONONO NOOOOOOOO!!!!!) and very urgent. So obviously I am aware that other people have what are called "night terrors" in which they have frightening dreams and react vocally. But for me..i rarely have nightmares. I dream very vividly and often times sequentially (instead of a series of random situations and problems i am actually dreaming about the in between time of walking from place to place ect.)
A few times i have been woken up as these attacks are happening and it literally goes like this..
"OH MY GOOOODDD WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM?!?!? WHERE ARE THEY COMING FR-oh hey man...whats going on?" with literally NO recollection of any unpleasantness in my dream that i was just having seconds earlier.
Often times people will tell me they thought i was literally being abducted by aliens through my window and even though i remember my dreams clearly from the night before, they had no "terror" involved whatsoever. like i got a free everything at walmart coupon.
The only time i have ever remembered what i was dreaming as an attack was occuring and was woken up in the middle of it, I was standing with 3 men in a circle kind of erecting this large rope tower of psychadelic colors as it span, similar to doing pottery. the spinning machine started to slow down and the tower started to slump and actually recede back into the floor creating this spiraling colorful drainhole. we all tried to gather it back up to build it up again but the hole spread and I was about to be sucked in when i woke up.
has anybody experienced anything like this before? or knows anyone with a similar issue?
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