But here's the background of the computer first: the guy who sold it had spilled soda on it and had sold it on ebay broken (i briefly mentioned this in another thread). My uncle bought the computer, fixed it up and got it to properly work. He downloaded the newest software, Mountain Lion? something like that, and after that it wouldn't charge. (he could only use it/turn it on when it's plugged in to an outlet).
He replaced the battery to see if that was the problem, didn't work.
He fiddled with the software, that also didn't work.
He looked around the Internet, that didn't work as well.
I'm not sure if he has called the company yet
So I'm wondering if anyone on here might have a clue as to what's going on
also, I searchbarred and found nothing related to my problem
any help will be very much appreciated!
TLDR (which I don't think this is that long): my macbook will not operate unless plugged into an outlet. even with new batteries. any advice is welcome :)