There's a lot of hate going around for middle class white kids acting like thugs when they put on a pair of skis in the park. I, myself, am a white guy coming from a well-to-do family and going to a well-renown university. Frankly, I am educated, privileged, and well-cultured. That being said, when I step in to my twin tips I like to put on a little bit of attitude and act like I own the place.
People give THall shit for the Rasta persona. But I think if he wants to throw skis, weed, Montana, and Jamaica in a blender, then he should go for it. Yeah, it's weird, but it makes him him.We're all posers in some way. If you're a white guy listening to rap, you're a poser. If you are a part of freeski culture, then you are posing the skate culture.
As long as you're having a good time being yourself, I think you should be able to throw whatever flavor you want into your lifestyle. If that means wearing your bibs to your knees, afterbanging, and flashing random gang signs at the camera, so be it. Also, we have to make up for the lack of black people on the slopes somehow.