Not where I'm from, haha. Either way, it's still too bloody high... Hell, 20 minutes away from where my parents live, a perfect-game winning professional baseball player just got attention for bringing a bat, and cursing at the police to a 'WTF WHY IS THERE SO MUCH CRIME?' rally because shit's starting to seriously hit the fan in California.
It's gotten to the point in my hometown where white kids are going around kicking in doors with sawed off shotguns and robbing places. It's not just minorities, or immigrants as most people like to point the finger at... WHITE kids are doing this shit... It happened a mile from my parents house. There's a reason for the concern.
I won't listen to that whole NRA "Guns don't kill people, people kill people bullshit for another second. And this is coming from someone who formerly owned 3 guns and has since grown up, realized guns are for idiots who actually believe in a zombie apocalypse or a North Korea/Iran invasion, and discarded them