Replying to The U.S.A is On its Decline!! Ill Prove it
According to case studys of Morris Berman the Auther of 'The Twilight of Amarican Culture' there are 4 factors to the collapse of a civilization.
1.Accelerating Social and Economic inequality
2.Loss of entitlements
3.Decline of intellectual abilities
4.Spiritual death
I shall prove to you that these 4 factors are sines of the collapse of a civlization, and that these 4 factors apply to the present state of America.
In the Roman Empire during the year of it’s downfall it had many similarities to the current state of America. First of all the distribution of wealth varied tremendously from rich to poor. As the middle class of the Roman Empire got smaller, The Strength of the Empire got weaker.Today we are in the same sort of situation. A transfermation starting in 1973 change the distebution of wealth in America. America was now on the downslope of being a middle class soiciety. According to Data from 1968 to 1989 obtained from the Survey Research Center's Panel Study of Income Dynamics the middle class of America was 75% of the population in the late 1970s. And by 1986 it fell to only 67%. This Fact can not have a positive influence on America as the The middle class is the key economic, social, and cultural factor to the economy The middle class is the key economic, social, and cultural factor to the economy. As Berman puts it the middle class is the “backbone� of America.
During the Downfall of rome all of its money went towards millitary. The army grew from 300 000 men to 600 000 over a year. by the third century nearly every denarius collected in taxes was going to military and administrative maintenance, to the point that the state was drifting towards bankruptcy. As well the majored of these taxes were falling on the lower class citizens. Does'nt this statment sound familiar to the present state of Amarica? in the presedential debates john carry states that Georg w Bush has increased the depbt of Amarica by more so then had accumulate from George Washington To Bill clinton. Thhis is very economically damiging as it was in rome. Today just the interest on the American dept is 1/6 of the there natinal GDP. The only hope for improvemnt of this is strong econimcal growth, but this can not be counted on as it is lyable to change at anytime.
The declining rates of literacy in Rome had a positive correlation with the downfall of the Empire. These declines of Literacy are also very apparent in American culture and also are a cause of it decline. In 200-400 Ad there was a sharp decline in the number of books available, and an even bigger decline in the number of people who were literate. The similar patterns are unfolding in America. 'roughly 60 percent of us have never read a book of any kind, and only 6 percent reads as much as one book a year. One hundref twenty million are illiterate or read no better then at a fith-grade level'.
The Spiritual death played a role in the downfall of Rome by contributing to the effect of “barbarization of the ancient world�. People no longer believed education was necessary and the study of science and philosophy was abounded. The Spiritual death in America is also playing a big role in the decline of the civilization. This spiritual death does not being non religious but it means that corporate consumerism is adopted by almost every human been putting a halt on individualism and creativity. “We live in a collective adrenaline rush, a world of endless promotional/commercial bullshit that masks a deep systemic emptiness, the spiritual equivalent of asthma.'
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