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The U.S.A is On its Decline!! Ill Prove it
Posts: 2591
Karma: 75
According to case studys of Morris Berman the Auther of 'The Twilight of Amarican Culture' there are 4 factors to the collapse of a civilization.
1.Accelerating Social and Economic inequality
2.Loss of entitlements
3.Decline of intellectual abilities
4.Spiritual death
I shall prove to you that these 4 factors are sines of the collapse of a civlization, and that these 4 factors apply to the present state of America.
In the Roman Empire during the year of it’s downfall it had many similarities to the current state of America. First of all the distribution of wealth varied tremendously from rich to poor. As the middle class of the Roman Empire got smaller, The Strength of the Empire got weaker.Today we are in the same sort of situation. A transfermation starting in 1973 change the distebution of wealth in America. America was now on the downslope of being a middle class soiciety. According to Data from 1968 to 1989 obtained from the Survey Research Center's Panel Study of Income Dynamics the middle class of America was 75% of the population in the late 1970s. And by 1986 it fell to only 67%. This Fact can not have a positive influence on America as the The middle class is the key economic, social, and cultural factor to the economy The middle class is the key economic, social, and cultural factor to the economy. As Berman puts it the middle class is the “backbone� of America.
During the Downfall of rome all of its money went towards millitary. The army grew from 300 000 men to 600 000 over a year. by the third century nearly every denarius collected in taxes was going to military and administrative maintenance, to the point that the state was drifting towards bankruptcy. As well the majored of these taxes were falling on the lower class citizens. Does'nt this statment sound familiar to the present state of Amarica? in the presedential debates john carry states that Georg w Bush has increased the depbt of Amarica by more so then had accumulate from George Washington To Bill clinton. Thhis is very economically damiging as it was in rome. Today just the interest on the American dept is 1/6 of the there natinal GDP. The only hope for improvemnt of this is strong econimcal growth, but this can not be counted on as it is lyable to change at anytime.
The declining rates of literacy in Rome had a positive correlation with the downfall of the Empire. These declines of Literacy are also very apparent in American culture and also are a cause of it decline. In 200-400 Ad there was a sharp decline in the number of books available, and an even bigger decline in the number of people who were literate. The similar patterns are unfolding in America. 'roughly 60 percent of us have never read a book of any kind, and only 6 percent reads as much as one book a year. One hundref twenty million are illiterate or read no better then at a fith-grade level'.
The Spiritual death played a role in the downfall of Rome by contributing to the effect of “barbarization of the ancient world�. People no longer believed education was necessary and the study of science and philosophy was abounded. The Spiritual death in America is also playing a big role in the decline of the civilization. This spiritual death does not being non religious but it means that corporate consumerism is adopted by almost every human been putting a halt on individualism and creativity. “We live in a collective adrenaline rush, a world of endless promotional/commercial bullshit that masks a deep systemic emptiness, the spiritual equivalent of asthma.'
---> www.powder11.com
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Karma: 87
learn how to spell and quit jerking off at the thought of American collapse.
We pay our debt sometimes.
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Karma: 87
One hundref twenty million are illiterate or read no better then at a fith-grade level'
your saying 1/3 of America cannot read or write or can only doso at a 5th grade level. Where is this information coming from, honestly
We pay our debt sometimes.
Posts: 1616
Karma: 18
there so many post's about this shit. Who cares? lets just live and see what happens.
- Josh Rainey
- Jackson Hole
I ain't the type of brotha made for you to start tessin', give me a smith and wesson and i'll have niggas undressin' -nas
'And if i get caught then my ass is up north, straight on the course for upstated New York'-The Mobb
Posts: 3477
Karma: 163
It's a rather hasty conclusion don't you think?
Proud member of the d-loc fanclub
Posts: 8203
Karma: 406
America won't collapse. we can fix problems to prevent it. As, ^ said above, just live your life and quit worring about it. It's like those people saying the end of the world was coming and to repent.
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
^ Just a lil...
----2ond in Command of DANSA-----
To Huck. v. The act of throwing oneself off of a cornice, cliff, rock, or any other thing that results in an attempt to fly.
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
Posts: 2829
Karma: 12
hey im all for anarchy, I'd wanna have my own army like in that horrible kevin costner movie about the postman and the US falling or something like that
Posts: 2591
Karma: 75
actully, this was pasrt of an assiment i had to do on the book for a class, i havnt handed it in yet, i just wanted u guyz to make good points against thaat of what i wrote, cuz the book is very biasedm and my teacher belives every word this berman guy rights. so technicly the more i prove him to be right the better mark she wil give me, but i want some stuff to say to her in class why his wrong, hehe
---> www.powder11.com
Posts: 3477
Karma: 163
So you want us to pick it apart?
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---> www.powder11.com
Posts: 3477
Karma: 163
The class gap is not nearly to the degree it was in the Roman Empire. For one the US does not have a slave class. Unlike Roman society, you can go practically as far as you want in modern day times. Roman class was more restricted. Also despite the 'decline' of middle class, average income is comparatively higher then it was 30 years ago. Rome also did not have a global economy. Rome did not have any other kind of large economic entity to trade and compete with. Competition is the driving force of the modern economy. National debt is not a new thing that has just risen out of the Bush administration, it has been around longer than him. Similar overspending issues have been present part of history practically forever, even in a stable economy.
Another key difference is distribution of information. To the poor people of Rome, they were much more 'out of the loop' then in the modern day. In modern America, education and other information is much more readily accessible. This can be thanked to a more standard education system as well as modern communication methods. Such as phones, radio, internet, etc.
Their not nearly as much urgent need for administrative/millitary funding in America as their was in late Rome. Unlike Rome the US' wealth is not spread so thin over such a great area. It's not as difficult now to maintain infrastructure. Also, there is has no threat of invasion and occupation of the US. So there is little need for a garrisoned army. Invasion is what ultimately caused the fall of Rome.
You are confusing spiritual death with psychological morale. Their is a large amount of firm internal support for this country, and is not in the decline. In Rome's decline, that was deteriorating. 'Spiritual death' is nonexistent in America, their may be lacking faith in the current administration, but not in the nation itself. That is a big difference between Rome and the USA.
To put it simply, Rome fell because it was spread to thin.
Proud member of the d-loc fanclub
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ice is scary just owned u
Posts: 660
Karma: 10
hey think of how many message boards and articles are out there on the internet. now think about how much there had been done to change the so called 'decline of the U.S'. hey i've got a secret to tell you, NO ONE CARES
“When you sit back and you look out and your on top of a peak you realize that there’s no worries in life and its all about happiness right then�- C.R. Johnson
“For me it’s the kind of fun that I like to have, it’s going skiing in these big mountains and having the opportunities to get into these places we get to go.�- Seth Morrison
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
Good points by both the poster and Quinny, and I have to side with the latter, ultimately. The US certainly has, to some extent, been subject to all of the criticisms you originally made, Neil. I don't need to spell it out any better than you have. However, they certainly haven't been exacerbated to the extent that they were in ancient Rome. Also, and perhaps more importantly, can we really compare the features of two civilizations two millenia apart, and hope to predict what will happen in this day and age? It's a different world. Finally, and possibly most important, much of this happened a long time ago. America has been functioning in this manner for decades, and has flourished most greatly since these 'problems' BEGAN. Think about it; the spiritual death of western culture was most notably declared in the 20s by Eliot. Since then (market crashes aside), the US has risen to the heights it is at now. I agree that hollywood and corporate promotion of uniformity can only make for a spiritually dead state, but as we've seen in the past century, that's no guarantee that it will fall. Education may be weak in many areas, but certainly it has improved over time, and the US did not collapse when it was worse off in this area than it now is. What I'm saying is, you make good points, and more or less what you've done is given an exception to this particular theorist's conditions for the fall of a state, or possibly shown that these conditions could arguably be held to be present in any major civilization.
In a haze
A stormy haze
I’ll be around
I’ll be loving you
Here I am
And I’ll take my time
Here I am
And I’ll wait in line
Posts: 4718
Karma: 11
good points and article
Posts: 13156
Karma: 19,498
Well the worst that can happen is that the America will fall in a recession.
But still,the US has the best economists in the world.So there will be no US breakdown nor depression.
-I'm not lazy,I party to 5 am,others get tired at 2am -JF Cusson
-Why do stuff today when you can put off to tomorow?-Jecht
-If I kick you in the balls,why does you stomac hurt?
-What happens when you wake up in prison and you cant remember how you got there?
All these questions you have never asked.
Posts: 5773
Karma: 3,930
China is really what we have to worry about becaue they are becoming the 2nd world super power. We pump so much cash into Bejjing, we're moving companies over there. Expect either an all out war or a global union between the US and China.
H30 Films
check out Hibachi King @ www.h30films.net
Posts: 2591
Karma: 75
Chinas economey is going to surpas that of the u.s.a soon
---> www.powder11.com
Posts: 3477
Karma: 163
'China's economy is going to surpass that of the U.S.A soon' *fixed
I beg to differ. China still has good way to go before they catch us. If you want to talk about gaps in wealth distribution, China is in far worse shape then the United States.
Proud member of the d-loc fanclub
Posts: 1616
Karma: 18
yeah, china has a long way to go before they are an economical power house. There's industry and major commerce in some of the biggest cities, but everywhere else in china is super rural and super poor. I don't really think it will be horrible if china's economy was good. I don't know if it would be possible, but wouldn't it be nice if everycountry was prosperous and wasn't all shitty?
- Josh Rainey
- Jackson Hole
I ain't the type of brotha made for you to start tessin', give me a smith and wesson and i'll have niggas undressin' -nas
'And if i get caught then my ass is up north, straight on the course for upstated New York'-The Mobb
Posts: 0
Karma: 87
Freezy, sorry for not writing perfectly. I was typing fast per usual and I wasn't trying to illustrate a point through my spelling or grammer. I was asking for information/references. It is a very bold statement to say that 33% of Americans cannot read and can not write at even a 5th grade level, let alone total bullshit.
We pay our debt sometimes.
Posts: 7116
Karma: 339
Despite it's deficiencies, The United States is something that I revere. However, it would be absolutely naive for me to assume the United States will never fail nor have a downfall.
All societies, and all civilizations will fail.
This is common knowledge. It is because no matter how perfect a system is there will always be a flaw; the people who run it. People are not perfect. They are prone to error.
There are also many driving forces which will motivate people to inevitably disrupt the harmony. Greed, lust, etc.
Because of these factors, I don't believe a perfect society could ever exist very long in the world.
Eat. Sleep. Breathe. Ski.
Posts: 41
Karma: 10
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
im jut gonna live my life then move to the mountains
dont go to new york. all it has to offer is i love ny stickers
member 9020
newbies are our future unless if we stop them now!
'dont fuck with me cause the last person that fucked with me....well they lived a pretty normal life'- misty7
'ok im gonnago play pocket tanks...the only game that runs on my computer'-cruz
'maybe i shold turn lesbien and get the girls'-misty7
'i can have sex with the snow'-misty7 on how winter will end his lonelyness
Posts: 2591
Karma: 75
quinney what i ment to say is that China's rapid economic development may be as important to the world as
was the
internet/computer revolution. Some time in the next 40 years China's GDP will
surpass that of the
US's and China will one day be considered the economic engine of the world.
by 'soon' i ment that This will happen within
our life time.(im 19)
---> www.powder11.com
Posts: 909
Karma: 13
wow all I had to do to realize the us is on the downslide was live in a different country, ask the rest of the world what direction the us is goin in??
Remember it's 10% equipment, 90% rider, and 0% what kinda jacket your wearing
I am a skier because skiing needs a future
Save correct spelling for school
Member Number 2511
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