so most schools have them
school hall moniters.. in our school.. they believe the more people they get in trouble the better job there doing, theve been known to give people detentions for 'loitering' durring free periods ( alst year i got a refearl for that) and getting kids in trouble for other various made up rules... such as:
1. sitting on tables
2. trying to get your money back from the snack machine that ate your money
and many more...
its pretty funny watching them walk around... there all fat and lazy, and all have walkie talkies... with the code language, there talking about like a b1878 in sector 9er/d5
what a life they have
i really want to ask them what they did wrong, why there stuck wandering the endless school halls for the rest of their life getting paid minimum wage
but of course i would get a detention... for questioning authority, HOW DID THEY BECOME AUTHORITY IN THE FIRST PLACE!