In the fall of our senior year in high school, Noam underwent an intensive surgery to remove a benign tumor attached to the left side of his brain. The operation required months of recovery, during which friendly visits had to be limited in length and intermittent in frequency. In order to provide Noam with a constant connection to those of us outside his nuclear family during his recovery, his mom created a scrapbook to contain contributions from friends and family. For his page, Hani chose to write Noam this letter:
“Dear Noam,
First, let me start off by congratulating you on a successful surgery, your courage is an inspiration for us all. You’ve had, and continue to have my thoughts and prayers for a positive surgery and speedy recovery.
Second, I’d like to tell you a story that I’ve shared with no one, perhaps because it only relates to you and our friendship. Talking to my cousins in Lebanon over the summer, they expressed great surprise when I mentioned in passing that I had an Israeli friend back home. They viewed it almost as a betrayal to the Palestinian cause. I dismissed them with claims that, “it’s different in America” without really providing any substance to my argument. Later, when reflecting on that moment, I wished that I could find the proper way to articulate how on one side of the Earth our peoples can fight a generations-long war without an end in sight, and in America, you and I can be close friends.Want more?...