right from the d-structure website:
1. Whenever you do a rail, you want to approach it at a decent speed. Always keep in mind that the faster you'll come at the rail, the easier it'll be to balance. You also need to come straight at the rail, which means you have one ski on each side and your genitals lined-up with the rail (Don't worry, you'll be fine!)
2. Once you get at the end of the take-off, you need to get enough air-time to make a full 90-degree rotation (This is essential for your future!).
3. At this point, you need to commit because if you under-rotate, you'll make your girlfriend really mad!
4. Make sure you jump higher than the rail. You actually have to get over it to make sure you have enough time to spin and get ready for a nice grind. Also make sure you have a good shoulder width stance and your skis a parallel to each other.
5. Right when you land on the rail, you need to be looking at the end of it. If it is a big kink and you can't see the end of it, you can use sections (i.e. Look at the end of the flat part until you see the real end of the rail).
6. You also want to be grinding slightly on the inside edges of your skis. Doing it that way, you can put a little more weight on your back leg and use it as an anchor, while you use the front leg as a guide.
7. When you get to the kink, you need to make sure you transfer some weight on the front leg and shift your whole body in the direction of the kink. This is a tricky part at first, but after a couple try, you should be fine!
8. Depending on how fast you are going, you might get some air-time after the kink. Use your knees as shock absorbers to stay as much as you can on the rail.
9. During the whole rail, don't forget to keep looking at the end of the rail. Also make sure your skis stay parallel to each other.
Once you guiding foot hits the end of the rail, you need to rotate your shoulders in the direction of your landing. Don't try to twist your skis under you, just use your head and shoulders and the rest will follow.
10. Be ready to land the same as if you were coming off a jump. If you keep a good stance and use your knees to absorb the impact, it is gonna be like butter!
11. Ride away like you're the rail master and make sure a couple girls saw you!
Your Toughtest Competitor Lives in Your Head. Some days his name is Fear. Or Doubt. Or Gravity. Stomp his Ass