Contrary to what corporate news outlets and corrupt politicians tell you, there are actually few differences between Barack Obama and Romney/Ryan. It doesn't matter who gets elected, because both will screw the country in the same ways. They will both expand government and spending, they will both increase the military industrial complex and continue to practice interventionism and neo-conservative foreign policy, they are both looking for another war whether it be in iran, libya, syria, egypt, etc. they will both take immense contributions from private interest groups while doing nothing to keep money out of politics, they will both crash the economy by accepting Keynesian economics, the current role of the federal reserve system, and continue to use tax dollars for malinvestments, they will both praise ben bernanke and reappoint him. Neither candidate will significantly lower taxes enough to actually improve the economy and bring jobs back to America. Neither candidate will dismantle the IRS, audit the fed, or audit medicare/medicaid. Neither candidate will support civil rights and liberties, as they will continue to add provisions to the patriot act, uphold the ndaa, continue to support legislation like sopa, continue to fund and approve of guantamano bay, use of executive orders, and unconstitutional drone strikes. Both candidates would move government away from the constitution and continue to make government less and less transparent. Neither candidate will address the disaster that is the war on drugs, racial discrimination in the american justice system, or america's growing and out of control prison system..... I could go on and on.
so keep getting fooled by the democrats and republicans kids