Let me first start off by saying that you need a history lesson because if you had one, than you'd realize that the Jewish people were the first to settle in that region in what is said to be sometime during the early 2nd millennium BCE. The official, first kingdom of Israel was established around the 10 century BCE and that kingdom resided over the region for the next four hundred years. So in terms of religious significance, Jerusalem has been sacred to Judaism for roughly 3000 years, to Christianity for around 2000 years, and to Islam for approximately 1400 years. So if you want to go off of who was there first, than the Jews have it in the bag by a long shot.
The only reason Jerusalem is significant to the muslims is primarily due to Muhammad's Night of Ascension. He was believed to have been miraculously transported from Mecca to Jerusalem and then ascended into heaven from there. This significant event is marked by the third holiest site in the world for Islam and that would be the Dome of the Rock. The thing is though, the Israeli government acknowledges this site and respects it presences in the city of Jerusalem. Each and every single Muslim in this world should respect the hell out of Israel for allowing this Mosques presences on their soil because they could very well blow it up to shit if they very well wanted to. This just goes to show how Israel has tried on countless occasions to create a peaceful coexistence with the Arabs in the region however the Arabs wont have any of it what so ever. The 2000 Camp David Summit is a classical example of the Arabs shooting down any negotiations to create coexistence. Israeli PM Ehud Barak offered a plan that called for an independent Palestinian State yet lone and behold Yasser Arafat rejected it. See this is the common theme over there. A deal is proposed to create separate independent states and calls for them to peacefully coexist and the Muslims almost never accept. So the biggest mistake of the 20 ce. was when the Arab League and Arab Higher Committee of Palestine didn't accept the terms of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union resolution; called for an independent Jewish state, independent Arab state, and the City of Jerusalem as a mutual state in 1947. And once again, the Israeli authority accepted the resolution and the Arabs did not.
The fact of the matter is that the majority of Islamic states do not want Judaism, or any other religion for that matter, to even exists. If they did than 50% of the 1.3 million Jews that migrated to Israel between 1948-1958 wouldn't of had to move because believe or not, but the eastern european Jews that took refuge there as a result of the holocaust only represented half of the migrants. The other migrants were Jew refugees from Arab lands whom faced persecution and expulsion from the Islamic authorities of these lands simply because of the fact that they were not Arab.
If that is not enough, than know that in 1977 Egyptian president Anwar El Sadat became the first Arab head of state to recognize Israel as a state and eventually lead to the signing of the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty in 1979. The Israelis, being the peace seeking individuals they are, showed Egypt a huge amount of gratitude for this by withdrawing its control of the Sinai Peninsula. It is impotent to note that the only reason the deemed necessary to control in the first place was because of the numerous threats from Arab officials that the would shut it down, which in turn would completely shut off Israel's source for water. Of course there was a group of muslims, known as the Palestinian Liberation Organization, that did not agree with the Egyptian Presidents peace treaty, so they in turn attacked the Lebanese-Israeli border in an event known as the Coastal Road Massacre where 38 Israeli civilians were killed in a guerilla raid. Of course this unofficially voided the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty because of the fact that there were many Egyptian officials that considered the PLO as one Egypt's allies. This led to conflict for much of the 80's and into the early 90's until the Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace in 1994 was signed as a result of a newly elected Israeli PM who called for a compromise with the Arab neighbors. Commonly, this treaty was only effective for a small amount of time as Israel was struck by dozens of Palestinian suicide bombings.
Nothing much has changed since despite the on going attempts by Israeli diplomats to create coexistence despite the ever increasing attacks by primarily Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist acts, thought to be funded by the PLO and other Arab States like Syria.
Now many of you may think that my post may be way too dramatic in length, but it is necessary to understand this understand this history in order to properly gauge the situation going on over there. Many of you think that all of this is Israel's fault when it is quite the opposite. It is the Arabs lack of commitment and extreme ideology that has fueled this conflict. If the Arab community could make a commitment towards a peaceful coexistence than we would indeed see peace in that region because the Israeli's are 100% committed and have been since day number one. Making this a reality though is seemingly becoming impossible and at some point, Israel and the modernized western countries of the world will have to consider other options when it comes to creating this co-existence. Now I say that the modernized countries of the world must come together on this because we will not only be fighting for co-existence among the Arabs and Israeli's, but the co-existence of the Arabs and the REST OF THE WORLD because that most certainly does not exist as of right now. Our world is inevitably globalizing and as global citizens, it is our duty to get the rest of the world (aka Arab Nations) up to date because if we don't, than we will never be able to reap the substantial benefits that globalized community can offer.
Lastly, I personally value Israel over these Arab Nations from which receive foreign aid from us because of the fact that Israel, is the one of the few select nations in that region that truly follow the rules a nation must abide by in order to receive foreign aid as stated by the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (signed by JFK). The reason as to why I find it unconstitutional to be giving these Arab states aid is because the act says that no assistance will be provided to a government which "engages in a constant pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights, including torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, prolonged detention without charges, causing the disappearance of persons by the abduction and clandestine detention of those persons, or other flagrant denial of the right to life, liberty, and the security of person, unless such assistance will directly benefit the needy people in such country." Now correct if Im wrong, but I think that one could logically consider the burning of our embassy's and the murder of our diplomats a direct violation to this act. so the question is, why is the Obama administration not realizing this? Well its because his foreign policy is soft and sympathetic, which is really ironic considering how these protestors hate Americas guts. What he's basically saying is, "hey were sorry for you guys hating us, what can we do to repay you?"