hundreds of thousands of people died there, mostly civilians, but also soldiers from all involved countries.
rest in peace and lets all hope for a peaceful future for all people on this planet.
the result of an unparalleled quest for revenge (led by christian nations, who value tolerance over everything... oh wait...) fueled with widespread hate towards anything muslim that changed the world more than the initial terrorist attacks did.
+over 5000 american soldiers in iraq and afghanistan
+around 1000 other ISAF soldiers
+around 300 other coalition of the willing soldiers
people with common sense were repeatedly told to fuck off out of the 9/11 thread and told to make another one about those victims. i do this hereby. if you have nothing better to do than lament 9/11 victims in a thread clearly not made for it, fuck off. no disrespect towards the victims and families of 9/11, but this is the place to acknowledge and respect hundreds of thousands of deaths who have no date on them and no official ceremony held for them.
(i know that there were other "reasons" to invade iraq, but its not far fetched to say that 9/11 had a reasonable influence in the decision to "free" iraq.)