If you have a peak to summit pass, beware. For those who don't know, the peak to summit is the dual Crystal/Snoqualmie pass. It uses RFID and because of the chip inside it can't have a hole in it like a normal snoqualmie season pass would. Crystal's solution to this was to issue a clear plastic badge holder that you can then loop onto your jacket, lanyard, etc. Obviously at crystal you can just have that sucker in your pocket full time due to the RFID readers, but at snoqualmie you have to have the badge visible on the outside of your jacket.
Herein lies the problem. At some point when blasting down the mountain for thursday night's skiing (we got a sweet 2+ inches that night) my badge holder decided it couldn't handle the savage beatdown it was taking as I was booking it down triple 60. The lift scanners were pretty lazy that night so I went a whole 3 hours or so before someone tried to scan me. It was at that point that I looked down at my plastic badge holder which had somehow exploded yet still managed to remain attached to my jacket via keyring, the badge was most definitely not still inside.
No big deal I go to guest services get a temp pass, and they tell me they'll call me if they find it (highly unlikely). I did look for a bit, but it was dumping at this point and those badges are nearly all white... Fast forward to today I go to Crystal guest services exploded plastic badge holder in hand. Surely they will see the logic in issuing me a new pass free of charge. After all it was only through the shoddiness of the badge holder they provided that my pass was lost in the first place, I had physical evidence to attest to that fact.
"Sorry, you should've kept it in your pocket"
"But you can't keep it in your pocket at snoqualmie, the badge scanners need it visible."
"Well you're the first person to ever have this happen"
It took every bit of my will power not to unload on this lady, but I've now learned a 25 dollar lesson: The Crystal Guest Service people are assholes and don't trust the POS badge holder they give you with your $900 season pass.