Aside from half of your post being summed up by "getting their name (and ideas) out there", which I said in my first post (maybe its you who should be doing the reading, dumbass.) these are the only 2 new reasons you actually brought up why a candidate not nominated by the dem or rep party might be running.
Now personally, I would be less inclined to vote for a candidate in a presidential election who has already ran and failed. It shows a lack of judgement on the part of the candidate, and I would rather have seen him spent his time running another office, business, anything but desperately pouring dollars and hours into a fruitless campaign.
To your last point - a smart politician who wants not to assume the office of president but still have an influence on the decisions of the president (I think thats what you meant to say instead of "parties"...) would stick with one party, in this case Republican, and assert his influence through another position in the executive branch, or through the inner workings of the party...If you think that the Republican party is going to adopt any Libertarian ideas that haven't already been backed by Republicans, you're wrong.
Peace bitch.