No.... women's rights and gay marriage are very much so HUGE issues.
The senate has approved the repeal of the defense of marriage act. Should this make it through the republican controlled house (not likely, but possible) it's up to the president to sign or veto. Should it get vetoed, there is no chance in hell it will get the votes it needs to pass, even though it should. So, the president is going to take a huge roll in this.
Also, I believe gay marriage to not be a state issue. I believe it's a civil rights issue to be left to the church. There should not be a definition of marriage, only an outline of what can be accepted by the government to receive the benefits of a unified couple. If a gay couple can get married in a church that allows it, neat. It's a marriage. If a straight couple can get married by their cousin who took a class online and call it a marriage, then a gay couple should be able to do the exact same thing. No state lines, just religious. If a religion wants to only allow white polydactyl boys, then so be it, I don't give a shit. If they want to block marriage in their own church. I don't give a shit. But in no way should it be stopped outside of that church.
In regards to women's issues.
Arizona just passed a law that says conception begins at the first day of the woman's menstrual cycle which means women can only get an abortion up to 18 weeks rather than 20 since the 20 thing now starts on the first day of the period. However, many life threatening issues aren't visible until the actual 20th week. This doesn't affect many, but the fact that it has to affect any is a problem.
Mississippi tried to pass a law stating that life begins at conception. Had it passed they then could have challenged roe vs wade. I know the likelihood of Roe Vs Wade being overturned is virtually non existent, but the fact that states are even making an attempt and that there is a potential president stating he wants to approve supreme court members that would be more likely to overturn this is fucking SCARY!
Then there are the efforts to take funding from planned parenthood. Change restrictions on the morning after pill. Laws regarding sexual education in schools. Making rape kits the cost of the individual that was raped. SO MANY SMALL THINGS that are actually pretty huge.