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Canon finally said the price of the c100 will be $6500
and i'm going to copy/paste my rant from another forum based on this argument that EVERYONE fucking makes.
The BMCC is a great camera, most of the people making that argument are right: it offers revolutionary features that at even a sub 10k price point were unheard of until it was released. Unfortunately, you need the right tool for the job, and the BMCC is not the right camera for many.
I'll use myself as an example: I'm a student filmmaker who earns an income shooting weddings as a second shooter on weekends. I do a lot of filming for fun in the winter, and I've seen only one check from the 3 years I've done it. I have hundreds of clips filling various hard drives that I save, as some of my friends want footage of themselves at the end of the ski season, or to use for my own demos reels, or as a backup. You know the drill. Anyways, what use is a RAW camera to me, when it produces file sizes that'd require me to use 1tb per hour, instead of 1tb per season? Do my videos really need to use 10 bit 4:2:2 Prores or RAW? With little income from my "for fun" work that takes up loads of space, is it really worth investing in terabytes of storage for video that will only be uploaded at a web resolution?
The C100 doesn't seem that bad, either! Remember the FS100 (and I believe the AF100) both shoot AVCHD@24Mbit 4:2:0 at the same frame rates. Both have produced some great flippin' images straight out of camera. C100 has a native EF mount for those that already are heavily invested in Canon lenses. Ergonomics look loads better than the other two.
Of course some people can justify the expense for either cameras, and some have no bloody idea why it was even released. Well, to be totally honest, nobody is suddenly entitled to features just because one camera now has them at a great low price, and as far as I'm concerned Canon/Nikon/Sony/Panasonic/BMD can do whatever they damn well please. It may anger some people, and sometimes seem to not make any sense from a certain user group (read:indie/budget filmmakers) point of view. But you know what? I'm sure they know what will earn them money. They are, first and foremost, businesses.
sparknotes: comparing the c100 to the BMCC is apples to uranium. Both are totally different tools for totally different jobs, both have a specific market they are targeted at, and both will sell.