You're right! My god, you got me! I, as a bleeding heart liberal, would rather bitch about crime, pollution, and all the evils in the world, rather than take half assed shortcuts that lead to not solving them! Now that that's been said, let's look at some of my actual ideas.
There are basically 3 types of people that steal. Organized crime, punk kids, and people who steal in order to feed themselves, their family and friends, and their addictions. Let's admit that organized crime is a subject that is out of both of our leagues. Next up: Punk kids. You know how you solve that problem? Get them doing something. Kids with nothing to do find things to do, and it's extremely for those things to be negative. Offer cheap/free GOOD options for these kids to participate in. Free skateparks with a cheap board purchase program. Cheap hockey leagues, after school hangout programs, highly competitive sports, fuck, even extra curricular learning could work. Make it something that they'd want to do. Involve their families, or whatever 'family' they may have left. If all that fails, scare the shit out of them, break them down, and then try again.
Last, but not least, is people who steal because they don't have any other choice, due to financial/societal situations. No, I'm certainly not excusing them. Many have made very poor choices. But that being said, their poor choices lead to situations that are untenable for everyone. I'd be naive of me to say that I have a fool proof solution for this, but maybe it's time we address some of the social wrongs that our society encourages. Think about it: Anyone who's not getting constantly screwed and who's getting help righting some of the bad choices they've made is much more likely to not steal for whatever it is they need. You've probably heard an expression that goes something along the lines of 'a hand up, not a hand out'. Now think of ways in which you could REALLY give people a hand up. Anything. Maybe some help with job training, resume creating, and finally interview skills, as well as a program that gives these people adresses that don't have a social stigma attached to them(try getting a job when you live at 6969 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC. Good luck), and a free used suit program to top it off, so that they look professional during their interview. Oh shit! You might have just gotten someone a job! A hand up!
Now, think of the ways in which our society requires itself to have marginalized sections in order to function in the way it does. Then, find ways in which it could function better for everyone. Implement your solutions.
Lastly, you may not know this, so I'll let you off the hook for it: When people's homes/cars get broken into, they usually feel pretty violated and hurt. Their sense of security usually gets pretty 'raped' as well. My car wasn't broken into. Fuck, I don't even own a car. Problem is that Crystal's car was, along with every other Volkswagen made car in our parking garage(total of 5, out of maybe 40 cars in it), and I live in the same building as him. To be more exact, my bedroom is no more than 8 feet away from his. We share a kitchen, living room, laundry facilities, bathrooms, and a kickass foosball table. So if I sound a little bitter, it's because some fucker(s) came into my building and decided that respecting other people's shit wasn't for him/them. This leads both of us to feel that locking all of our doors/windows, even when we're inside the house, would be a good idea. If you don't know what it's like to feel unsafe inside your own house, no matter how ridiculous/unreasonable you know you're being, it certainly isn't anything I wish on you, because it sucks.
'No i dont care about your post count, i care about you being a cocksucker.'
'My friend's and I formed a NO GIRLS ALLOWED club when we were little. Then we gave it up when girls made my penis get hard'
'I think skiing in general is just a phase'-My friend Josh.