Pull some McGuyver shit
-Make him eat dog shit
-beat the shit out of him
-steal shit from him
-make him buy you another gopro with all other accessories
-bang his mom (don't call her back)
-send him video of you banging his mom
-kill his parents, make them into chilly and get him to eat it....
-light his dick on fire and stomp on it to put it out
-curve stomp him (don't kill him though)
-put bomb on him and set it for 24 hours, and if he doesn't get you 5 million dollars CASH MONEY
you let him get blown up
if he's still alive...
Light his house on fire, put gas all around a circle around him and make him have 5th degree burns peel his skin off, put alcohol on his burnt skin, take fish hooks and put them on his dick, break his nose reapetely untill it falls off,
put him on a chair, put legs up on other chair, sit on knees untill they snap then put a gun up to his head and say.'you're not worth it...oh wait yes you are CHA CHA BAM.