M&A, im pretty bored right now and I have some cash in my bank account that I want to spend on some lighting and maybe a few other things:
I have about $1300 and theirs a couple things I want:
A lowel lighting kit - http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/285813-REG/Lowel_T1_923LBZ_Tota_light_Trans_kit_LB_35_Soft.html
(it can be any lighting kit really, enough do some urban and some studio stuff)
Rokinon 35mm 1.4 - http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/769569-REG/Rokinon_RK35M_C_35mm_f_1_4_Wide_Angle_US.html
I have heard nothing but good from this lens, I will need a fast lens for shooting urban this winter, for primes I currently have 28mm 2.8 and 50mm 1.7 both pentax.
I need a tripod head for my slider, must be Manfrotto and compatible with the 577 plate (all my stuff is mounted to that) I wouldn't mind a fluid head for sliding pans, but if there is something much more affordable then I will take that:
I am buying an iPhone 4s 32gb brand new from a friend today, thats also something to take into consideration. Not sure why I have a sudden urge to buy some stuff, I guess they're a few things Id like.
Sorry for stupid thread.