You said it's better to bend out brakes than to buy wide brakes. Yet everything I've heard has been, if you can get the right sized brake, do it, if it's with in 0-15mm larger, it's not too wide.
Some shops will tell you a little less, some may even tell you a little more. Bending brakes should only be done if you know what you are doing and it isn't so dramatic that you are left with 1 inch of brake.
There are more issues that can stem from bending brakes than buying proper sized/slightly wider brakes.
OP is asking about what binding to buy, he is buying a binding, he can buy a binding with the proper sized brake. Less hassle, less likely to mess things up, better if he decides to sell the set up down the road.
If you had 90 and 130 on a 120 ski, If you were mounting standard, the general consensus would be to get 130 breaks.
If you had 90 or 110 brakes and your skis were 95, yeah, I'd probably go with the 90 and bend. But figuring this guy has a shot to buy the right bindings rather than recycling what he already has... he should buy the right size.