Alright, I've kind of stumbled into a loop. I'm upgrading my primary drive to a Solid State Drive, and have the choice of either installing Snow Leopard (would use version 10.6.8) or Mountain Lion (10.8.1). Lion is a shitshow so i'm not going there. I have a hackintosh, so some of these questions might not be best suited here. However, regarding interface and functionality, i'd love to hear both cases. I still have yet to purchase 10.8 and have a copy of 10.6 I can use, so I really would have to justify 10.8...
My questions:
-does 10.6.8 run full 64 bit? is 10.8 any more/less 64bit? I know 10.6 runs most x64 apps in 64 bit mode, but I sort of want the OS to run full x64, which i haven't figured out via google.
-how stable have you found 10.8 (specifically 10.8.1) to be? Running programs: CS6 Master Collection, Cinema 4d, Davinci Resolve, Final Cut Studio 3, possibly ableton
-possibly upgrading my GPU from a 5770 to a 660ti. How is CUDA support in 10.8? 10.6? Is the 660ti even supported in 10.6? Anyone recommend a fast and COOL RUNNING gpu? (running a 2560x1440 monitor, needs to be well vented)
-Can someone explain TRIM support to me?
thanks guys, hopefully I can be up and running by bedtime!