I tried the liberal thing in highschool and first year of college, never really understood it, just tried to cause i wanted to fit in. i think being surrounded by liberals and liberal professors really started annoying me, mostly the hardcore ones bitching about cars, guns, meat, everything fun, being super PC, and mostly the whole "I accept everyone and dont judge unless you have a differing opinion" you would be amazed at how many college kids during the 08 election said they were voting for Obama because he was black or because "Obamas gonna give us money!" drove me fucking crazy.
so i started to research and learn about the other side. growing up with pretty hardcore conservative parents, i kinda tried to rebel against them, and got to see the stupidity of that side, then being surrounded by hardcore liberal students and professors just made me realize that anyone who is completely devoted to one side is just plain stupid when it comes to politics. and its insane how similar the most hardcore liberals and conservatives are. there are some extremely liberal ideas that conservatives somehow convince themselves is a conservative idea. and vise versa. they really are the same, just want control, power, money, and to get re-elected, just use different approaches to get it. and their blind followers dont see it.