So today I got into my local camera store to drool at all the beautiful cameras and to attempt to decide on what camera I'd like to purchase. This old, seemingly cranky man walks up and asks if he can help me and I say "sure". I ask to see a 60d and he brings one out. I begin to putz around with it and we get to talking. Now don't get me wrong I know my shit when it comes to cameras, but he began asking questions and started learning stuff...yes LEARNING stuff from this old man. He shows me all the film cameras and tells me stories about his kids. Turns out one of his kids is a professional skateboarder and that he used to be the cover photographer for Thrasher skate magazine, which is sooo sick. We drift to the subject of mindblowingly expensive camera gear and he takes out a Leica M9 like its a toy and hands it to me. I didn't know what to do because if I dropped it or messed it up at all I was screwed (it costs 8000 dollars for those of you that don't know). I took it and was immediately in awe. Something so simple, yet so elegant and I was holding it, he even let me hit the shutter.
I'm so happy I met this man and hope to get a job at this store just so I can keep on learning. Moral of the story: don't be afraid to try to learn something and it might just end up working in your favor. For 2 hours we talked about multiple aspects of photography like the technological side, artistry, the mentality of a photographer, and I can't believe how much I learned
I held a fucking 8000 dollar camera body, just thought I'd share...
So NS I want to hear you stories where something unexpected happened to you and worked out in your favor, related with media of course. Anything from a mistake during a gig, or finding an old camera in you basement I want to hear it!