Replying to Somethin Big is gettin closer...
Bush transgressed UN law, which is much of the same of events that Hitler did with the Rhineland. Bush has an incredible stockpile of Nukes, when hes supposed to have alot less. Same thing with Hitlers arms race. Both are illegial. Im not sure how often or how much UN law is transgressed, but it seems like Bush has the preceedings of the next Hitler or something. Now the wars are due, seeinga as how World Oil is at its peak production and will soon begin to fall and phase out, and America is at the brink of another Depression, leading (obviously) the rest of the world into a sort of Depression. This will lead to a war. Another war. This additional war might very well lead to a world war, providing the UN does their job. Anyways, Economic breakdown, lack of Fossil Fuels and growing global tension is gonna lead to something big. Depression or world war or both. Expect the world oil to run out by 2025. Learn to live in the boonies!
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