2xl green ignant $50
2xl brush puffeh $35
2xl j flight gray $25
3xl dripcheck purple $120 obo
3xl purple/blk Nike zip up track jacket $60 obo
2xl macho gray $50
2xl pocket windy green $30
Pic of items above (my closet)
2xl purple ignant $180 obo
Fire lens for crowbars $50 obo
L turqoiuse armada tee $20 obo
Xl level 1 navy blue tee $20 obo
Xl Purple traveling circus tee $10
Xl My friend is a pro tee $10
or all the 5 above items for $95 shipped
Xl Matte black smith holt $50 obo
Oakley prs fitted hat simon dumont series $15 obo
Scott pro team seires poles small $50 obo (high shipping possible)
Xbox games
Halo wars $20 obo
Soul caliber $20 obo
Mirrors edge $20 obo
Battlefiled 3 $40 obo
Shawn white $20 obo
Just cause 1 $15 obo
the darkness $15 obo
army of two $18 obo
Thanks guys happy purchasing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One love
-Ferris (Cole)