So this happened last night and its pretty complicated to explain because its retarded but its also pretty funny. I though I would share.
So all summer long me and my co-workers have been pulling pranks on our supervisor and last night, while we were enjoying a little bbq and some drinks on the campground where we lifeguard we decide to pull another one on him.
The main idea was to steal garden gnomes and put them on the slide thats in the middle of the lake. The more the marryer.
8 of us girls went to the right side of the campground and the remaining 9 other guys went to the other side and we wondered around the streets looking for the best looking gnomes.
The girl group cough about 8 of them , and they were put in the trunk of my car as we waited for the guys to show up.
Unfortunately , they showed up with the security of the campground.
Some guys, who arent actually owners of the gnomes were chasing them for a good mile as they were carrying a 50 lbs, 5 feet tall gnome( yes someone actually had that on their lawn) and complained about them to the security.
The 3 guys who were carrying it were brought to the main office and had to put down their names on a paper.
About an hour later, the news came to our supervisors ears who absolutely flipped and the Head supervisor of the security told him that he had to fire them, so he did.
... I know its pretty funny, weird, fucked story...ha
About 2 hours later, after i talked to my supervisor.
Someone told him that I had other gnomes in my car and I had to give them back else security would call the cops. So obviously I did.
When I woke up this morning and went to work. All the gnomes were in the main office ( made me giggle ) but the cops were also there.
The latest news we got today is that someone opened his mouth about the hole thing and that the 17 of us were on a list and they were questioning to either fire us or not. The 3 guys they also cough with the big ass gnome are facing charges for stealing and we are all also possibly facing charges. We will know our faith tomorrow. While our supervisor tries to calm down the head supervisor of the campground.