In my opinion he is one of the most talented and unique musicians of all time.
From "77" to "Fear of Music," "Remain in Light," and "Speaking in Tongues," Talking Heads released some damn good albums with so many great songs.
My favorite is "This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)." I'm just so weak for this song. Other greats include "Life During Wartime," "Take Me To The River," and "Psycho Killer." There are so many more though, and they are all so different. "Heaven" and "Cities" are some interesting songs for example.
A great taste of Talking Heads' music and what they are can be found in their 1984 Concert Movie, "Stop Making Sense:"

So NS, what makes you like Talking Heads? What are your favorite songs? Albums? Is David Byrne not the fucking man?