What I will be taking pics of: (also plan on using for video, but im not taking equipment to france)
European architecture
Street (oktoberfest, events, markets, etc)
So if i dont bring the 70-200 (or should i?), I'm trying to pick 2 or maybe 3 from this list with ~$800 budget:
Canon 24mm 2.8 (leaning towards this) ~300
Sigma 30mm 1.4 ~300
Canon 40mm 2.8 (its so small and cheap!) ~200
Canon 50mm 1.4 ~275
If I dont bring the 70-200, i will pick up one of these and sell when i get back
Canon 85mm 1.8 ~275
Rokinon 85mm 1.4 (hesitant because I really like AF. Will it still focus confirm?) ~275
Also, what is a cheap hard case that i could put the camera and attached lens in that I can throw in a pack and not worry about?
Thanks guys!