you dangle a string in front of a cat's face and she wants it. so you give it to her. but once she has it, she's like "fuck this i dont want the string". so you take it away and she wants it again.
sound a bit like how girls treat guys?
girls think they want something - convince themselves that it's right for them - so they chase. but then once they have it, they don't want it anymore.
"oh hey look, great guy. he's a keeper."
"ok, i like you too, im yours."
"nope, this is boring." >finds someone else.
but, the last guy isn't gone yet. he still likes her. but she's over it because there's no thrill of the chase anymore. she got what she wanted and now it's time to chase something else.
so the last guy takes a hint and goes away.
but wait, she wants him back again, since she can't have him anymore.
now the new guy is puzzled because this girl just showed interest in him and is now going back to the old guy that she blew off when she had him.
mind = fucked.
girls think they want a great, kind, courteous, spontaneous, sweet, considerate, optimistic, outgoing, athletic, ambitious, confident guy. really, they just want the next new thing. the next chase. and the more chases she has going, the more options she has, and the more secure she feels with all of these guys feeding her attention.
until she realizes she's an idiot and grows up and chooses one guy, closing the door on the rest.
but until a girl can honestly do that, they're all just bitches who love attention. ladies, check your phones and you'll know whether or not i'm talking about you. see how many conversations you have going with those poor, unfortunate souls that think they have a chance with you while you milk them for comfort or the occasional flirt - use them for what you need to make you feel good about yourself.
so who is the perfect boyfriend?
probably the one who calls you out for being the bitch that you are and helps you realize that it's not about what you can get out of guys, but rather what you are prepared to give back that builds a strong relationship.
real talk with anathema.
i'm here all weekend.