you guys don't know shit about ritalin, faoda is the only one that knows something...if you want an expert, im your man, first of all ritalin is nothin, every other kid has it in grade 7 & 8, i took it, it didn't do shit...unless you snorted it...that fucks you up...but anyways, they put me on methamphetamine (if you've ever heard of meth labs, thats what i was prescribed every day) it didn't seem to work well enough, so the bumped me up to dexadrin...holy fuck, you wanna know what that shit does to you? first of all you can time 1/2 an hour to the minute when it hits you, your heart rate speeds up n shit, and you become super motivated, you do all the things you've been meaning to do for a long time, you have fun doing whatever, you have fun shovelling piles of cow shit. You become super focused, in school, you enjoy every class, it's like 'Yes!!! Algorithms!!!' and you learn super easy, you can access everything in your brain very easily, it's like being in a library and just pullin the shit off a shelf. My buddy took some and he stayed up all night at my house and played piano for 9 hours straight through the night....and he doesn't even know how. now for how it fucks you up: I have ADHD (attention defecit hyperactivity disorder) and theres a hella lot of side affects. Im off it now cause i have a permanent twitch in my eye. It keeps you awake, it sucks, it takes away your appetite completely (it's also perscribed as a diet pill) it gives you a bad taste in your mouth, and you get muscle spasms. My buddy was on it for 3 years and hes incredibly fucked up, hes ridicously paraniod, almost to the point he won't leave his house...i don't see him much....and he is suicidal n shit.....but dex is super fun to take once and a while, everyone started buyin it from me....anyone want any? i still have a perscription! yup, and thats that
The only thing wrong with snowboarders is that they snowboard
'I busted all over my stomach and she rubbed it all over me, it was awesome' - Anonymous
'Get that shit outta my ass nigga!' - me when i wrestled my dad...i mean friend....brad.....yeah.