Actions speak louder than words man. They co-sponsored some bullshit anti-gay marriage thing with the Pennsylvania Family Institute (which is an anti-gay marriage group) that had filed a brief against the trial which struck down California's Prop 8 (yeah. A Pennsylvania group bitching about something in california? GTFO..)
They have sponsored millions of dollars, directly and indirectly to go to anti-gay groups. That is not tolerable by me. They might as well be giving money to the KKK as far as I'm concerned.
Not only that, but they fired a man in Houston, because he didn't want to take part in a fucking employee PRAYER.. which, likely being a christian prayer, of course he wasn't going to want to take part in that crap. What christian would want to take part in a Muslim Prayer? Stupid shit.
They already HAVE lost business due to their beliefs and actions... I and thousands of other people would never eat there based on this alone, and universities across the country have told them to either get off their campus, or that they aren't allowed on campus (they are one of the chains that tries to get a spot on different college campuses - kinda like how Subway, Jamba Juice, and Burger King do) If they didn't make the actions they have, and treat employees like they have, then people wouldnt give a shit... to top it off, they file frivolous lawsuits against honourable citizens in states that don't even have one of their locations? oh fuck that...
America in this case, does respect the first amendment, and it's absolutely legal for the city of Boston, different college campuses, and any other city in the country, to tell Chick-Fil-A that they don't have a place within their city limits... and that they are no more welcome to set up shop in their town, as any proud and loud gay would be welcome to work for them as a company executive.
Last but not least, they will lose business in the new england region of the united states. Dumb business practices will eventually drown them out in entire parts of the country as long as they don't change their stance and realize their actions are shooting themselves in the foot. Boston won't be the last city to close the door on them.. They might be just fine as a company where they currently are, but they won't be entering the most profitable markets in the country anytime soon, and their growth will become slow and stagnate. They'll never be KFC.