piolets license :: I've only flown once so far, really need to sign up for classes next summer
at least get to the point where i could be a sierra guide, don't know if i'll still want to be one :: taking my avy 1 in December, almost have my at setup complete, getting in shape
get into sky diving :: have done nothing here
learn at least 5 languages :: Spanish is alright, currently in Switzerland learning both french and german (still need to figure out what the 5th will be.. something random like kiswahili)
see Blur in a live concert :: trying to find tickets to the olympic closing ceremonies, this could come true soon
learn a random bad ass defense :: sounding like this is going to be archery in that one of my good friends has a range and stuff in his backyard and has volunteered to teach me
learn how to play the drums well enough that I'm not embarrassed :: friend has been teaching me, I'm horrible though and should buy a drum kit so I can practice at home
Spend some time at the great ape reserve in the DRC :: haven't done anything towards this, too broke to even start
standing backflip :: can finally do them into water, next is on a tramp.
travel through india :: haven't gotten anything done here