why do they suck so bad, how could you like beer so much, and then have a hangover and never want to drink again in your life.
Last night i was real hammered, and the worst part of it was i think i puked on myself. Thats like the grossest thing in the world. Now i have a hangover and all i can think about is how gross puking is. Thinking about that just makes me have to throw up. dOES This happen to very many other people on NS, it barely ever happens to me but it has happened more then once and it's so damn gross i don't wanna even talk about it. But so pretty cool things happened last night too that evened it all out, but the fact that i puked on myself and have the worst hangover ever just makes it seem so much worse then it really was.
skiing is the most amazing sport there is.
Rip it up - http://www.geocities.com/ski_itall