I have been smoking pretty heavily for the past 10 years. Well...not as much as some of my other friends, who go through an 1/8th a day. But I would smoke at least a gram a day to my self. Before work, at lunch break, and after work. I am 29 now, and I have to say that weed is a great thing, however everything is great in moderation. I am now on day #3 with no weed. I need to take a break, my mind is cloudy.
While weed doesn't have withdrawl symptoms like heroin, or coke, I still have some withdrawl symptoms. I have been having crazy dreams, with weed, if you smoke before you go to bed, it will alter your dream patterns, atleast for me. Maybe i was still dreaming when i was high, but couldn't remember them.
Either way now I am having insane dreams. I have night sweats, followed by the chills, loss of apitite, and some irritability. They should go away soon. My recommendation to anyone, is not to make weed your life. If your focus is when your getting your next sack, or when your going to spark one again. You need to take a step back and look at your life. Regardless if weed doesn't have a big checmical dependency or not. It does have a big physiological dependency, and it is habit forming from a mind standpoint. Weed was my life, its all I thought about after work, before work...ect. My wife doesn't really smoke that much, and she disliked that weed had such a grasp on me. I would smoke before xmas dinner, on holidays, going to family functions. Just like someone else posted, I was a functioning stoner, did everything high. 3 days ago I had an epiphany. I realized that weed was really bringing me down. It is a downer as everyone knows. It was clouding my perception of reality. I was using it as a stress relief, and to relax everyday. I realized I didn't need to be dependent on weed like that. That all it was doing to hindering my work performance, and my marriage. My advice... use it in moderation. Smoking while skiing is great. Smoking with your buddies on a sunday night is great. Smoking while camping, ect...great. But when its your daily routine, and runs your life. You need to take a step back and look at your self.