Kate Upton’s sexy curves leave most guys drooling, but a pro-anorexia website says she just looks “thick and vulgar.”
SkinnyGossip blasts the 20-year-old in a recent post for having “huge thighs, NO waist [and] big fat floppy boobs” while including pictures of a bikini-clad Upton sauntering down the runway in recent appearance on the catwalk.
“Guess who?! Yes, it’s the lovely Kate Upton, confidently lumbering up a runway like there’s a buffet at the end of it,” the anonymous poster writes. “She looks thick, vulgar, almost pornographic – and she is a solid 30lb too heavy for this outfit,” the writer adds.“She looks like a squishy brick. Is this what American women are ‘striving’ for now? The lazy, lardy look? Have we really gotten so fat in this country that Kate is the best we can aim for? Sorry, but: eww! Fashion is supposed to be aspirational—and the kind of people who aspire to look like this shop for clothes at Wal-Mart. She looks like she would work in the back of a motorcycle shop in Nashville and give (bad) blow jobs for $25.”
Lol bitches be jealous. I agree Kate Upton is not deserving of her incredibly over the top reputation, but she is hot and all this publicity just helps her cause.
In a change of pace, all black and whites.