What up, I'm selling this mad suit, love it, but since i listen to metal etc I've decided to represent myself differently on the hill so i'm shifting to black(metal) clothes, whatever lol
THIS ARMADA SUIT IS AWESOME! I've been riding it circa 2-3 weeks on glaciers only (no streets) so it's not dirty or destroyed anyhow. it's comfortable, can keep you warm and it doesn't get wet. it fits together and it's big
I'm selling it for low, even thoug I got f_cked by the customs back then and it costed me a lot eventually. does not matter, IF YOU'RE INTERESTED, JUST WRITE ME, WE CAN MANAGE THE PRICE, it won't be much (i'm not gonna write here any approximate prices cause i don't know the exchange rates etc)
here's a video where i've had the jacket on, so you can make a picture
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZQwpb8i2eA&feature=plcp, there's the jacket basically for the time i've worn it
here are some pics