oh yeah
Caspaaa's Cool Story #2
Woke up, drove three hours to my house, got picked up by some bros, picked up my friends boat, luanched it in the Charles River, drove into the harbor, docked at Legal, ate some swordfish, walked around Boston, ate icecream, got back on the boat, drove 50 mph the entire way back in a 6 mph zone while the sun was setting, docked, drove home, drank a little, watched tv, snuck out, got laid, left girls house, biked through town to some chill music, met up with the girl of my dreams, walked through town, snuck through some backyards, found a sick little peninsula type thing on the shore of a lake barely wide enough for a picnic table on it, chilled with her there, watched stars, hooked up with her, cuddled, fell asleep, woke up to some light rain, woke her up, walked her home, said goodnight, biked home in the rain, fell asleep.