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Oh man I've got some decent ones, but this one is most recent.
I work in an industrial complex that was built in the late 1800s/early1900s. It was a mecca for jute twine and one of the centers for the child labor rights movement, since conditions in the factories and slums were so deadly. I actually work in the oldest building in the entire complex, as it was the locomotive house and separate from the other, preexisting mill buildings when they burned. The new mills were build on top of the old ones. There are names scrolled all over the older unpainted walls and dates from the early 1900s, which is kind of cool... until you're there by yourself at like 10pm working on a project you know you can't walk away from until it's good and done and wierd shit starts happening.
It's also worth mentioning that the last time my friend and I went on a photography trip through the place we snapped this pic because we both got odd feelings like we were being watched on a certain catwalk... When we uploaded it, it looked like there's a white figure looking back at us from the other end of the catwalk. (easier to see if you zoom in) It's definitely a creepy place to start with.
Recently we had a pretty big heat wave that coincided with a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge job that required me to work late, like 10pm every day for a few weeks, which I don't really mind because I put in my headphones and just weld and weld and weld. No big deal. Except one of the nights I'm sweating my ass off in full welding getup at like 930 about to wrap up and I felt a cold wind on the back of my neck and got the chills. Now it's a fuckin hundred degrees out, I'm wearing full leathers, gloves, helmet, etc. there's no doors or windows open, we have no AC and I can't have a fan because it'll blow away the shielding gas, and I'm talking a freezing cold breeze. You'd think that I'd be stoked since I had been sweating unrelentingly for hours and hours but I was overcome by this insane wave of fear the second my skin went goosebumpy. Now, it's worth mentioning I'm in the middle of a 20 minute procedure I can't stop, so I continued welding. Now the welding helmet I use has a large glass panel in it, and the large panel sort of allows me to see a little bit of what's going on behind me through the reflection around my face with my peripheral vision. As I was welding and trying to just finish up after I got the chills, I fuckin' saw something move behind me. I seriously panicked, spun around in my chair SHITTING MY PANTS to see my chainfall hoist swinging as if someone just pushed it down the I-beam it rolls on. Nobody around to move it. I didn't even change or shut off any lights, I just grabbed my keys and fucking sprinted out of there. Pretty sure some poo came out. I hate even talking about it because I still have to work here latenight alone all the time and it definitely freaks me out sometimes.
Gonna have to agree. Getting a feeling or getting scared or spooked or whatever is one thing and pretty easy to shrug off most of the time. Seeing something move is a whole different deal. That's why I got the fuck out of there.
I want to burn sage or something in there, but I'm sort of afraid that admitting and acknowledging I think something is actually in the shop will make it worse. If there really is something it's been there for a century or more and this was an incredibly bad place back in the day so I'm apprehensive to try anything.
This thread is very scary to read at night.
Also, two summers ago I woke up in the middle of the night in my room and saw a guy standing like two or three feet away from foot of my bed right infront of my tv. I figured it was just nothing and took a nice long blink to try to adjust myself. When I opened my eyes again he was about a foot closer. I closed my eyes again, opened them up, and he was right at the foot of my bed staring at me, and then he disintegrated out my patio door. It freaked me out, and I was too scared to move.
Now, just this spring I was asleep in my room(with my bed in a different spot) and turned over and opened my eyes. He was kneeling right next to my bedside snapping a picture of me. This time it really didn't freak me out too much, it was really strange though. My house is only like 8 years old, so I don't think he died in my room or anything. I used to not believe in ghosts, but this guy definetely sold me on it. I think he's a nice ghost though.
.Hugo.Need more scary stories to read
ihitchadsgapstory behind this?
Magit's weird how many people know this ted bundy guy.
ZachAndCheeseMy uncle is a local stone mason and works on restoring lots of old brick houses throughout New England (mostly Mass). In the summers I usually work with him and do things like help rebuild foundations, cellars and chimneys. We were working at this house one day that is pretty close to mine and known to have crazy stuff happen there. It was one of the first houses in my town and is pretty shitty and has been part of the underground railroad so there are secret rooms and tunnels throughout the house. In the 60's a college professor lived there and used to throw large Christmas parties. As the story goes one year when students arrived for the party they found the house dark and dusty. Supposedly they looked around the house and found him lying curled up next to his wood pile, dead and frozen solid. In the 90's an older couple moved in the house and completely restored it making it look beautiful again. A welfare check was performed months after the completion of the house and both of them were found dead due to heart failure. Shit get's weirder though. An odd couple bought it when I was young (like 4 or 5) and had a large family of older children that lived with them. I can vividly remember one odd son who had some sort of mental condition (my parents said they thought it was aspergers) who used to sit out on their front porch all day. The house slowly fell in to disrepair and the family was evicted when the house was foreclosed. The house was owned by the bank and people always used to like break in and fuck around with it and break in. One night I saw flames in my woods and the fire department was called. Supposedly the son with aspergers was back and had tried to torch the house and barn claiming it was due to a satanic spirit living there. Recently someone from Vermont bought the house and hired my uncle and I to fix it up. I was stoked because it's fun work and I would finally get to explore the house. Upon going inside I told my uncle the urban legends about people dying there and shit. We had to go to every bed room due to there being fireplaces in everyone that we needed to reconnect to the main chimney. Once we got to this one bedroom my uncle started fitting stones in the fireplace and I worked on mixing up a concrete that we would use. The walls were made of this really shitty old paneling that looked like it was almost coming off in one part. I decided to try to throw some of this concrete epoxy in it to hold it against the wall and quickly found a small hidden area that was full of weird ass graphitti talking about death and ghosts in the house. Holy shit that's weird as balls I thought and had my uncle take a look. Upon further inspection we found a pentegram on the ceiling with a mini noose hanging from it (like big enogh to hang a scrawny mouse). We told the owner immediately and she said not to worry and that she would take care of it. After repairing the chimney system we had to work in the basement on restoring the houses foundation. Scariest shit of my life. My uncle had set up a lighting system to see better down there and left me to take a piss. There is only one way in and out of the basement, one of those weird storm door things that open up to the outside.A few minutes after my uncle left the door slammed shut. It was a but windy so like I thought nothing of it. Next the lights started to flicker. At first I could hardly notice it but it grew in intensity as time went on. Freaky but the house was old and electricians had been there the past few days working. All of the sudden the bulbs all went out and I felt a strong breeze coming from the floorboards above me. It felt like there was static electricity shocking me from everywhere and my hair was literally standing up straight. This lasted for like 10 seconds tops and then everything returned to normal. Scariest shit ever. Told my uncle I was sick the next day and never returned to the house for work. Still creeps me out to just walk by it.
Titus69Thats fucking sketchy those satanic signs and shit scare the hell out of me, did you say the retarded kid tried to burn the house down?
ZachAndCheeseYeah local police found him in a car nearby. Oddly enough I now go to school with his younger sister she said that he went to jail for arson and apparently has a lot of problems and is now addicted to heroin. His sister has huge boobs btw (not the fat kind either). She said he used to stay in his room for days, sorta creepy if that was his room.