I started working with a studio several months ago, which gives me full complementary commercial license and new installation of otherwise the same fcs 3 suite... so, the fcs3 I purchased for myself is completely useless to me now...
Have had them saved in their protective sleeves, box was thrown out by mistake a while ago, but all install dvds are in perfect condition. Only used once to install on the original system that has been wiped clean and discarded completely. Yes.. they are the real install disks & license, not fake....
I would like to get $500 or b/o for the entire final cut studio 3 suite - which includes Final Cut Pro 7, latest versions of Motion, DVD studio pro, Soundtrack Pro, Color, Compressor and more... and 30gb of content dvds for these powerful post production applications. It is 7 dvds/install disks in the entire FCS 3 suite. Seems fair to me.
I would like to get $500 or b/o for the entire final cut studio 3 suite - which includes Final Cut Pro 7, latest versions of Motion, DVD studio pro, Soundtrack Pro, Color, Compressor and more... and 30gb of content dvds for these powerful post production applications. It is 7 dvds/install disks in the entire FCS 3 suite. Seems fair to me.
If no one buys the full suite, I guess I am willing to just sell Final Cut Pro 7 installation itself & serial/license for $300 or b/o.
I prefer to accept credit card/debit card via Square because I have a personal vendetta against Paypal for screwing me out of a lot of money in the past, and also they are just an overall scumbag company. Plus, Square takes a lot less $ out in fees, and is a lot faster for me to receive the funds into my business account. Safer, faster, cheaper.
*I will include Fedex 2nd day air or the equivalent for free with the purchase of the full FCS3 suite - to anywhere in the US.
Please hit me up at contact@adrianmcelwee.com and we can work it out from there - I am not on newschoolers.com enough to check private messages.