The Wasatch is a unique and magnificent resource that is under pressure from development schemes such as SkiLink. SkiLink is poised to set off a grand interconnect scheme, that would change the character of the Wasatch forever. The SkiLink proposal is a gondola which would connect the Canyons to Solitude in an effort to shuttle skiers between the two resorts. SkiLink has the support of the Utah Congressional delegation which is sponsoring - The Wasatch Range Recreation Access Enhancement Act, a bill mandating the sale of 30 acres of public lands to the Canyons. It is clear this proposal seeks to serve the interests of a development corporation, and it does not have the support of local Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, and the Forest Service. SkiLink also undermines the Wasatch Wilderness and Watershed Protection Act, and all the local planning processes currently underway. This is a short-sighted proposal that fails to seek public input and take into consideration the public’s values that have been solicited time and time again in countless studies and polls.....