Did you know that if everybody in america painted the roof of their house white, it would reverse global warming by reflecting the suns rays back to space. This makes sense as it is the basic principle underlying global temperature fluctuations and why Ice ages always melt. Snow is also very good for global warming.
Honestly, I'm more worried about the ice caps melting and the fact that boston, my home city, is going to have a lot of floods during storms. Also when the ice caps melt the ocean currents stop. When this happens, the warm ocean current supplying great britain and norther europe with warm water will no longer be there. This means that this part of europe will also go into an ice age, which will then reverse itself.
In conclusion, I think the earth has a way of always returning to equilibrium however long it takes. Even if it has to kill off the human race with toxic gases and allow the CO2 to settle. Nonetheless, we've already fucked up our planet. And to this I say YOLO, I try to bike and stuff as much as I can, but I'm not going to waste my life advocating shitty programs because I know that unless the government puts in place strict guidelines, jack shit is going to happen with big companies current policies.