While cruising through netflix tonight to find a film to fall asleep to. I noticed that they had a new selection of new arrivals on the play it now list, a few struck me as interesting but one stood out in particular. It was titled "Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles." I had recalled reading about these tiles in multiple articles on urban legends and mystery sites in the past few years and was always intrigued about what they were and who made them.
The majority of these tiles read:
Toynbee Idea
Movie 2001
Resurrect Dead
On planet Jupiter.
Or some variation of that. Basically these tiles have shown up on the east coast of the USA and down in South America and this film is a documentary about a group of men who go out to find out who their creator is.
Most documentaries like these leave you with open ended questions of okay cool story but we never find out 'who done it,' This documentary is different as you get a pretty damn good idea of who did it and it's pretty amazing how these three guys figure out who it was.
It's a super interesting film and anyone with netflix should watch it if you like good mystery, conspiracy, or psychological introspective documentaries.
Again it's called Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles
This is also on American netflix I can't couch for it's streaming availability on Canadian Netflix.