I wasted a lot of money on college. a lot.
I do think their is value in enjoying the college experience, but paying out the ass for it, to get some stupid degree (biochemistry) was a mistake I made.
So many kids go into college not thinking of their future. They pick some stupid major without thinking about what it really is they want to do in their life.
My sister is a lawyer, she travels around the US weekly working on cases. She makes good money, but spends her whole life on an air plane. Balance out the time she puts in, the travel, and nights away from home, and she's making minimum wage.
My brother is a Dr. He spends 80 hrs a week at the hospital, will be working the next 26days straight. He has massive student loans and makes less than $40k per year. Ten year high school reunion was this year, he's still in school.
Best advice I ever heard:
1. Stop trading time for money. Working all day, all week, for $100k a year. is not living.
2. Your ability to negotiate, will dictate your success in life. Unless you ask, you will never get.
3. It doesn't matter what do, just make sure you grow it. The key to life is picking a concept, proving it's success, and duplicating it, over and over again.
Look at it like this.
A dentist has to go into work everyday, he puts in his eight hours in the dental chair, then has to go home and take care of the tasks of operating a business, paying rent, hiring cleaners, advertising, etc. All his time is gone, he makes good money, but doesn't get to enjoy life. He has to work to keep the engine running. Meanwhile, the guy that owns the building that he rents, goes out and plays golf all day, collecting his rent money at the end of the month.
No doubt the dentist is smart and hardworking. But the landlord negotiated himself into the best position. He isn't trading his time for money he's trading his space. If he's smart he will use the rent money towards the purchase of a second building generating more income.
If you want to live the "american dream" focus your studies on business,marketing and finances.
Don't worry about the money. If your plan is good, you're passionate and know how to negotiate. There is plenty of investors out there looking to dip into another pot.