okay its almost halloween lets hear some ghost stories that happened to you or your friends.
heres mine:
okaoy so my friends and i were going to sleep at my house and were walking home (it was autumn) and behind my house there is this canal that they turn off during the winter and fall so we were crossing through that (epty by now) and all of these leaves start moving like there was something under them. so we start running and figure it was a snake or something but it scared the shit out of us because the leaveswere flying up pretty high. later that night we are sleeping on my tramp and we are just talking and stuff and then we hear this dog barking and this little white dog starts running down this hill on the side of my yard. we thought it was just a regular old dog, but then it runs through all of these bushes and trees down the hill and its not moving them and its like going through trees. and then its by the tramp by now we are scared to death. the dog keeps jumping up and down like 10 feet high (the dog is really small) and all the sudden it just stops and dissapears. we were so scared we didnt move for the rest of the night.